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  • iCE™ 3500 AAS Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

iCE™ 3500 AAS Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

Update Terakhir
19 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
Dilihat Sebanyak
207 kali



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Detail ICE™ 3500 AAS Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

iCE™ 3500 AAS Atomic Absorption Spectrometer Here is a dual Flame and Furnace AAS that delivers truly exceptional performance, flexibility and functionality. Offering the best of all AA worlds, this combined Flame and Furnace system provides the maximum value for money. If your laboratory routinely requires ultra-sensitive detection limits and high through-put capacity, then the Thermo Scientific™ iCE™ 3500 AAS is your solution. Renowned Thermo Scientific™ SOLAAR™ software provides the ultimate ease of use, including automated flame to furnace switching and analysis optimization.
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